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Understanding PBS files

A part breakdown structure (PBS) file is a comma-separated values (CSV) file for importing and exporting Project Portal folder structure data. In a PBS file, each line represents a record and fields are separated by a comma character. The CSV file format is supported by most of the desktop applications (for example, Microsoft Office) or you can create a file using any plain text editor.

Each line in the input file represents one folder except the first line that defines the field labels. The valid field labels are listed in the table below.

Valid field labels
Field Label Description


Folder level number

PBS part code

Subfolder position number within the level

PBS part

Folder name


Letter code


User code


Folder version


Folder description

The following example shows a simple PBS in CSV format, ready to import into a Project Portal workspace.

CSVPBSLEVEL,PBS part code,PBS part,Abbreviation,Part-code
1,2,Project WBS,,
2,3,Civil Engineering,,CIV-001

The preceding example would create the folder structure shown in the following figure.

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Exporting and importing data

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Exporting and importing parts of workspaces

Exporting and importing subfolders

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